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Is Stainless Steel Jewelry Considered Fake Jewelry? Stainless Steel Authenticity Test Method

Views: 20     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2022-09-08      Origin: Site

Is stainless steel jewelry considered fake jewelry? Of course not. On the contrary stainless steel jewelry is a prevalent type of jewelry nowadays. We have this question because we always associate jewelry with high class and luxury and think that jewelry is made of gold or silver. Today, many types of metals are used in jewelry making, and the jewelry they make is not only exquisite but also durable and cheap.

But because stainless steel jewelry looks very close to sterling silver jewelry, if you were going to buy sterling silver jewelry but ended up buying stainless steel jewelry and pay the price of sterling silver jewelry, from this level, consider you did buy "fake jewelry."

stainless steel jewelry

To prevent you from buying fake stainless steel jewelry, the following stainless steel jewelry manufacturer Lauren Spencer shares with you several ways to identify the authenticity of stainless steel. After learning whether you want to buy stainless steel jewelry or sterling silver jewelry can have a way to identify it.

1. Magnet test

One of the properties of stainless steel is that it is magnetic. This is not always the case, but a large percentage of the material you buy made from this material is magnetic. You can try the magnet test if you don't see a code on your jewelry that indicates your piece is authentic.

As mentioned earlier, not all stainless steel is magnetic. This has a lot to do with the particular combination of metals in the alloy. The addition of chromium and carbon gives stainless steel its magnetic properties. If the concentration of these materials is lower and the concentration of nickel and aluminum is higher, you will not get the same magnetic properties.

Stainless steel jewelry usually contains a higher concentration of nickel than other products, so your jewelry can still be authentic, non-stick, or only partially sticky.

To test this, simply place a magnet on your jewelry and see if it sticks. If it does, your piece is most likely made of stainless steel. If it partially sticks, it could still be real. However, you will need to supplement your findings with further testing.

However, there are additional tests you can perform to determine the authenticity of your stainless steel jewelry!

2. Anti-rust check

Genuine stainless steel is rust-resistant. You usually won't notice any rust on your jewelry if it's genuine. If you notice that your ring is a little rusty, the ring is tainted. However, it may just be iron oxide on the surface, so you should do some further testing.

Try wiping away the surface rust with equal parts nitric and hydrofluoric acids to test for accurate stainless steel. If rust is still present afterward, then your jewelry may not be made of stainless steel, as you were told. Genuine stainless steel will not rust after the initial wipe.

3. Acid Test

One of the more definitive ways to test the authenticity of your jewelry is the acid test. Before diving into performing these tests, ensure you have safety goggles, gloves, and safety glasses on hand. These tests can be dangerous if performed improperly or in the event of an accident; you should be prepared in advance to ensure safety.

Also, remember that this test will likely damage a small portion of your work. If you can't bring yourself to do this, this test is not for you.

Now that you have your safety supplies ready, you are ready to perform the acid test.

Step 1: Select a small piece of jewelry that you don't mind causing minimal damage.

Step 2: Fill the dropper with hydrochloric acid.

Step 3: Apply a small amount of acid to the surface of the jewelry.

Step 4: Let the acid sit for about 30 minutes.

Step 5: After 30 minutes, carefully wipe the acid off the jewelry.

If your jewelry discolors slightly where you tested it, then your jewelry is authentic. This may be disappointing because who wants their jewelry damaged? But it will certainly let you know if you've been ripped off!

We recommend testing the inner band to avoid damage if you are testing stainless steel rings.

After performing this test, thoroughly clean your jewelry and all supplies you use.

4. Cleaning test

If you are still unsure about the authenticity of your stainless steel jewelry, you can always look for additional clues by cleaning it. It's simple, quick, and easy! After cleaning your jewelry, you should notice the shiny and mirror-like surface. If any tarnish that has formed cannot be removed or the jewelry remains dull, you may not be dealing with stainless steel.

The above methods, I believe it is enough to help you identify the authenticity of your stainless steel jewelry. Still, of course, the easiest way to buy authentic stainless steel jewelry is to find a reliable supplier. A veteran manufacturer like Lauren Spencer, with years of experience in custom jewelry production, is your trusted partner.